Vinci Scholarship for EMESB mobility 2021

Students selected for the EMESB program, mobility 2021 and 2021, can apply for the VINCI (Univ. Franco Italienne) scholarship issued by DIME, University of Genova

Scholarship amount (mobility 2021) is 3500 euros for students without the Erasmus grant and 1000 euros for students holding an Erasmus grant, in 3 installments (first installment 40% at september/october).

The application form is available here.

Applications must be sent by email to:

with subject: “VINCI/EMESB scholarship, Application by NAME SURNAME

Deadline: June 2021

Notice: the scholarship will be recognised after the student mobility

In order to finalize the procedure and receive the grant, students have to send their final TOR related to mobility by email to with subject “”VINCI/EMESB scholarship, TOR for grant by NAME SURNAME