English B2 Course (2016/17)

The En2 Council is happy to announce that the English Level B2 (aa 2016/17) course is going to start.

The Course is offered for free to En2, En3 and BSc Industrial students who enrolled at Student Office in Savona.

The Lectures will be held by CLAT Unige teachers in rooms MA117 (Tue) and  MA216 (Fri), Marchi Building,  friday, 10.00-3.00PM and tuesday 4.00pm-6.00pm 

Lesson Start is on friday 4h of  november, 2016.

Students who will attend at least 75% of lessons will be eligible for the Attendance Certification delivery


Students are suggested to follow the course working on the Reference book: Compact First, Second Edition, (Peter May, Loescher) ISBN 978 1 107 60331 8.